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About Mari Momii

About Mari Momii

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Dr. Mari Momii is an independent research consultant and a part-time lecturer at Atomi University in Japan. From 2007, as a representative of Deep Green Consulting, she has done research for and given policy advice to many international environmental groups and institutions including the Chatham House, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), the Global Witness, etc.
She has also worked with corporations in and outside Japan. Most recently, her work with the Japan Paper Association in developing the Association’s timber due diligence manual helped the Association becoming the leader in this issue in Japan. Her areas of expertise include illegal logging and related trade issues, as well as sustainable supply chain management and other issues relating to corporate social responsibility.
After obtaining a Ph.D. in Environmental Law and Conservation from the University of Kent in the UK, she worked as a campaigner at EIA’s London office between 2003 and 2004, and a treaty adviser for the International Fund for Animal Welfare between 2006 and 2009.


イギリスケント大学大学院で、環境法学、環境経営学などを学び、博士号(環境法学)を取得。 2002年から2005年までロンドンにあるEnvironmental Investigation Agency に勤務。 帰国後、2007年にCSRコンサルタントとして独立。持続可能なサプライチェーンの管理の分野で、国内外の政府機関・ 企業・研究所やNGOにコンサルティングを提供。調査執筆、講演・講義、持続可能なサプライチェーンの構築と実施 等を主な業務としている。主な分野は森林保全、生物多様性など。環境経営学会(幹事)、環境経営学会サプライ チェーンマネジメント研究会(事務局長)。跡見学園女子大学兼任講師。平成27年度日本製紙連合会海外植林における ナショナルリスクアセスメント手法の開発検討委員会 委員長。

Publications include:

· Momii, M., The trade in illegal timber; the response in the United States, Chatham House, 2014 (http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/field/field_document/20141125IllegalLoggingUSMomii.pdf)

· Momii, M., The trade in illegal timber; the response in Japan, Chatham House, 2014 (http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/field/field_document/20141125IllegalLogg ingJapanMomii.pdf)

· Momii, M. (2013) “An examination of the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation and a case study of the UK” in Bulletin of Atomi University vol. 16: 135-156.

· Momii, M. (2012) “Due diligence: a New approach to corporate supply chain management” in Bulletin of Atomi University vol. 14: 175-190.

· Momii, M. (2011) “The examination of the effectiveness of government regulations of the supply chain management for the conservation of biological diversity - the EU Timber Regulation” in Bulletin of Atomi University vol. 11: 153- 166.

· Miyazaki, M. and Momii, M. (2009) “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) to biodiversity−Study from the viewpoint of environmental sustainability” in Bulletin of Atomi University vol.8:147- 163

· Miyazaki, M. and Momii, M., Biodiversity and CSR: Examination of partnership amongst the government, private sector and civil society (2010, Shinzansha) (in Japanese)

· Shiraishi, N. et. al., Forestry of the World: Forest Management by the Private Sector in the U.S. and Europe (2010, Japan Forest Owners Association) – Chapter 6 (in Japanese)

· Momii, M., A Comparative Study of Wildlife Law in the UK and Japan and the Differences in a Cultural Context (2002) - University of Kent Doctoral Thesis (in English)

Talks and presentations include:

· Presentation on the Japan’s new timber due diligence legislation for the illegal logging meeting at Chatham House (2016/06)

· Presentation on the Japan Paper Association’s Timber Due Diligence Manual for the seminar held by JOPP in Tokyo, Japan. (2016/06)

· Presentation on the due diligence system development in Asia-Pacific area for the Asia Pacific Forest Week (APFW) in Angeles, the Philippines. With the World Resources Institute (WRI). (2016/01)

· Presentation on the due diligence systems in the U.S., EU and Australia for the seminar held by the Japan Overseas Plantation Centre for Pulpwood (JOPP) in Tokyo, Japan. (2015/06)

· Presentation on the Japanese timber legality verification system at a workshop held by CIFOR in Bogor, Indonesia (2015/01)

· Presentation on the Japanese timber legality verification system at Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT) workshop for APEC in Qintao, China. With Forest Trends. (2014/05)